I believe that digital can help us achieve this – largely through exploiting its capabilities and capacities for re-organising the way we deliver those services that are critical to human life. Our world’s systems – from our built environment to our digital services, food, and energy systems are currently all built as mega infrastructures. They are massive in scale and often rely on multiple complex connections. Most importantly, they are co-ordinated as monoliths – as though they are one single entity. Often, we can see that digital technologies have been used to create these often-global connections – without digital technologies the 24/7 operations that our supply chains, cities and social lives now depend on would not exist. So far, therefore, we have used the capabilities of digital technologies for mass agglomeration and centralisation of resources.
If we stop and think, however, about the much broader set of capabilities enabled by digital technologies, some key aspects emerge that we are often overlooking:
Small scale interactions are just as possible as large-scale social media platforms. They enable the creation of loosely coupled networks of actors
Real-time connectivity enables far more than just announcing our latest thoughts on a particular topic or product. It enables the creation of loosely connected modular functions to deliver products and services
What we need, therefore, is the capacity at a human level to transform the capabilities of digital technologies into outcomes for sustaining human life. This means enabling a reconfiguration of how we deliver critical services – to a flexible, modular architecture that allows sub-components to operate as a fully integrated entity or as independent modules, enabling seamless collaboration or autonomous functionality depending on operational needs.
Let’s take the example of energy it is clear that in order to use the full benefit of renewable energy, we need a new way to organise our energy system. Renewable energy is often distributed, intermittent and can be complex to integrate towards the existing grid. The national infrastructure of many nations are not designed to withstand the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related events such as hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and heatwaves. These events can damage infrastructure, leading to prolonged outages. In order to ensure that we have resilient delivery of energy, therefore, we need new organisational structures – ones that are modular and can work alone, when necessary, but still able to function as a whole ‘grid’ as often as possible.
For example, in the image below, we have several communities who have locally-produced energy – this could be solar, wind, biomass or other type of energy. They provide their local energy needs but are interconnected to other communities and a national utility provider. In normal operation, the energy is produced in the community and excess is shared back to the grid. If a disaster strikes, the grid may get disconnected, but the smaller community is able to keep functioning until the grid comes back online.
In order to achieve this, we need a redesigned grid – one that is not just technically capable of receiving energy as well as delivering it, but one that is also organisationally capable of managing that. And we need digital solutions that enable localised communities to share information about the performance, required maintenance, smoothing of supply and demand and provide demand / supply forecasts to neighbouring systems and the grid itself. Instead of being used for ever increasing efficiencies of centralised management of energy, digital technologies are exploited for their small-scale capabilities to create a much larger national solution. This is briefly illustrated below
Such organisational structures are also possible within food and agriculture. Once you start to think about digital capabilities in this way – you start to see these possibilities everywhere!
Of course, if we are to use digital technologies to achieve such aims, it is critical that digital technologies themselves can withstand climate impacts. Currently, most digital and telecommunications systems are designed and implemented as monoliths. This will also need to change in order to respond more effectively to climate change. Examples could include community-driven networks, but just as effective would be a redesigned core and radio network that was able to interact with community networks in a similar manner as our energy example above. It provides several technical challenges, not least security and managing massively heterogenous community systems. But a new form of architecture is fully within our grasp; a dispersed-autonomous architecture. This is not dissimilar to the aims of TCP/IP – a core protocol of the internet designed by the US Department of Defence during the cold war to ensure that networks were reliable through the ability to recover automatically from the failure of any device on the network. This architectural pattern now needs to be repeated in the delivery of services critical to human life.
Success will mean that the ideas outlined in here are adopted broadly and delivered globally and that we are moving towards a new system and a new way of organising human life on this planet. A method of organising that enables humans to balance our impact on earth while still retaining all the wonders and joys of a common human experience through global connectivity. Our current systems of human society need to be redesigned – let us hope that we can do this before it is too late. Digital can help, but only if we set out now on a new path. We will have to face these challenges as we face life itself – both alone and together. Over the coming weeks months and years, myself and others will be sharing our deeper insights into the crossroads we face as a species and the solutions we think that digital may offer us to solve these. We invite you to join us.